Hi I'm Carolyn,

As a sensitive, kind-hearted business owner:

Growing Your Money Quotient is the most powerful way to build a profitable and impactful business

And I help you do that, fast.

If you want to earn the money you desire

Or take your business to the next level

It all starts with growing your Money Quotient!

Your Money Quotient starts with your money stories,

the excuses you have about why you can't make more money

but this is just the surface ....

Deep in your subconscious are the assumptions, vows and protection strategies

that are keeping you safe ...and poor

Your Money Quotient (MQ)

Your current MQ is at the heart of your struggles with money. It is a combintion of all your subconscious thoughts, feelings and life experiences since birth and which have caused you to behave and act in certain ways towards money, as you've grown up.

It's this unconscious programming that is sabotaging you when it comes to money. Bringing these patterns into your awareness means they can be resolved so that you can start to attract, receive and keep the limitless abundance you were born into




Discover your true power to change your business and life. Claim your self-worth as you meet your financial needs and transform your relationship with money

Discover what is truly possible for you once you release and resolve your life experiences that have overwhelmed, disappointed and hurt you

Feel your motivation, confidence, purpose and focus improve as your begin to build bigger dreams from your clarity, creativity and vision

As your Money Quotient grows, you will become the confident, creative and action taking POWERHOUSE, so that you attract clients and money with EASE

What People Say...

"If I had only met Carolyn sooner! She gets right to the heart of the matter in a profound, gentle and loving way. My sessions with her have blown my mind because they are truly life changing. I can't believe the clarity I have now. Work with her, you'll never regret it!" - Becky C. (Mindset Coach)

"I feel like something fundamental has shifted. The process was very gentle, but extremely deep, and I know that it's working because I feel different. I can't recommend Carolyn enough!" - Emma S. (Business Mentor)

"We focused on my business but Carolyn's help has impacted every aspect of my life in ways I didn't know I needed until we found each other! I can't recommend her highly enough!" - Kate G. (Business Owner)

Money Psychology Coaching with Carolyn

Workshops, Small Group Trainings And 1:1 Coaching

  • Rewire Your Money, 17, Castledown Business Park, Tidworth Road, Lugershall, SP11 9AX, United Kingdom

  • Email: hello@carolynrwhitehouse.com

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