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How I became a Money Psychologist

July 29, 20243 min read

How I Became A Money Psychologist

Carolyn Whitehouse

Carolyn Whitehouse

Money Psychologist Helping Ambitious and Kind Business Owners Feel Abundant, Confident and Relaxed With Money | Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner (EFT / Tapping)

July 11, 2024

In the beginning

I didn't set out to be a Money Psychologist but my early childhood was filled with anxiety and stress over money, even though my family was not poor. So I vowed to myself that I would work really hard and I create something different for my family. I spent 7 years building that business and then in 2011, the day after we took out our first mortgage, my husband was made redundant and I became THE main breadwinner.

How I coped

‘I’ll just work harder’ I thought and so each evening I would promise myself that things would be different. But every morning I woke up exhausted and by breakfast my mind was full of defeatism, negativity and hopelessness. My anxiety levels skyrocketed, I dreaded the mailman arriving as each day brought more bills. I ranted against the economy, my husbands ex-employer and the banks. From the outside I was putting on a brave face but inside I was falling apart. I had never felt so helpless and alone

Every day I would make plans and then get distracted and not follow them through. When everyone left the house, I would let my guard down and sob. When I wasn’t crying I was daydreaming, completely distracted and disorganised. My motivation plummeted so I stopped being visible in my business and made constant excuses about why I wasn’t making sales calls. I would spend my time looking for bargains online. I spent money to ‘treat’ myself’ and lied about how much I was spending which put a strain on our marriage. I was constantly snappy with my children, the slightest hiccup in our routine became a major incident. Listening to news stories about how bad things were, I convinced myself that things wouldn’t work, now just wasn’t the right time, nobody had any money! Even when I did earn money my immediate thought was ‘it’s not enough’. Life felt full of fear, anxiety and scarcity

Until finally one day I snapped. I couldn’t stand it any longer and I surrendered. 'I give up' I thought and then something miraculous happened.  I found a peace that I didn’t know existed. In that moment I became connected to everything. I could see clearly how there was no separation, no lack, no loneliness. I felt a deep feeling of complete happiness and serenity that made me curious. 'How did I go from anxiety to peace' in a few milli-seconds? It was a question that took me back to University and I spent over 10 years learning how to rewire my scarcity mindset and create the happiness I wanted.

What I believe now

Rewiring your thoughts, feelings and behaviours are the essential keys to finding the peace, freedom, happiness and wealth that you’re searching for and The Abundance Activator Pathway will show you how

Less than 10 years later, we had paid off our mortgage, helped our children through university, travelled the world and my husband had retired at 55.

Today we have the financial security we want, our marriage is stronger than ever, and we have the time to do what we love.

For me that's helping kind-hearted business owners feel abundant, confident and capable with money, so that they can create the impact they want for their clients AND have the financial security for their families

Today money is still a vital resource in my life but my happiness is no longer dependent on it.

If you'd like to know more about my Abundance Activator Pathway or just want a friendly compassionate person to talk to about money, DM me and let's chat

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Money Mindset Psychologist * Budgeting Coach * Speaker

Carolyn Whitehouse is a Money Mindset Psychologist, Budgeting Coach, and Speaker who supports sensitive and neuro-spicy business owners to let go of self-doubt, charge their worth and release their fear of money. Carolyn’s heart-led approach combined with her unique Money Quotient Framework, encourages her clients to discover their values, beliefs and stories around money, exploring how they can create more purposeful profit for their businesses. Drawing from personal money struggles when starting her own business, Carolyn combines her life-long passion for psychology and economics, with trauma-informed healing techniques, supporting clients in workshops, group programmes and working 1:1

She specialises in bringing order, balance and harmony to your bank account

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